Vexanium Block Producer 101

Block Producers (BPs) are a decentralized entity (organization) usually consisting of a group , companies or organizations selected through the e-voting blockchain system in the DPoS Consensus that regulates Vexanium blockchain. The block producers task will produce new blocks in the Vexanium protocol blockchain and verifying various transactions that occur on the Vexanium protocol blockchain

Delegated Proof of Stakes (DPoS) is a consensus mechanism that regulates Vexanium blockchain where only the organization board (delegate/delegation) is selected through e-voting can verify the transactions,

These block producers have basic functions like a miner on the bitcoin blockchain (POW / Proof of Work) system but block producers have several additional functions and some new functions such as the Board of Representatives as a country that can regulate and direct the rules and give direction for the Vexanium blockchain.

At at the beginning, for 2 to 3 months of the Vexanium public blockchain running, block producers will start from private entities from the core developer Vexanium itself and at around 2 to 3 Months later, the blockchain Vexanium starts opens registration of Block producers, entities both organizations, consortiums, and companies can register through the form that will be provided by the Vexanium core developer. The e-voting blockchain for the selection of block producers will start as soon as there are Block Producers that registering themselves for Vexanium blockchain.

The requirement to register as a Block Producer candidate (BP Candidate) is to have 10,000,000-12,000,000 VEX, if at the time of registration you have more than the minimum registration requirement to become Block producers then you can get a bonus from the excess vex you have. In e-voting block producers process, all e-voting processes use VEX coins which will be staked so you can also unvote and change your vote options to other block producers

21 Block Producers (21 BP)

There are 21 active Block Producers that creates blocks in Vexanium blockchain, but it’s possible for more than 21 Block Producers that are standby for producing new blocks in Vexanium blockchain (can hold up to 100-200 standby BP). The process of voting block producers runs continuously without stopping as long as the Vexanium blockchain runs, and active. Block Producers members can change every minute depends on the number of votes obtained

BP (block producers) will get block prizes in the form of VEX coin generated by tokens through inflation of 5% per year

The registration process of Block Producers (BP) will run after Vexanium mainnet is started, where initially during the registration period of 2-3 months running, Block Producers will initially be run by Vexanium core developer, if there are around 21-30 BP, then the e-voting process can running faster than estimated.

Block producer (BPs) adalah sebuah Decentralized Entitas (organisasi) biasanya terdiri dari Konsorsium (Konsor ) , Perusahaan atau Organisasi-organisasi yang terpilih melalui sistem e-voting blockchain pada Konsesus DPos yang mengatur blockchain VEXANIUM , Tugas Block Producers ini akan menghasilkan blok-blok baru di Protocol blockchain vexanium serta memverifikasi berbagai transaksi yang terjadi pada Protocol blockchain vexanium

Delegate Proof of Stakes (DPoS) adalah mekanisme konsesus yang mengatur blockchain vexanium dimana hanya Angota Dewan (Delagate/ Delegasi ) yang terpilih melalui E-Voting yang dapat memverifikasi Transaksi ,

BlockProducers ini memiliki fungsi dasar seperti Miner pada sistem Blockchain Bitcoin (POW/ Proof of Work ) namun di BlockProducers memiliki beberapa fungsi tambahan dan beberapa fungsi baru seperti Anggota Dewan / DPR (dewan perwakilan rakyat) sebuat negara yang dapat mengatur dan mengarahkan jalannya aturan dan arah dari blockchain Vexanium .

Pada +/- 2-3 bulan masa awal Public Blockchain vexanium berjalan Blockproducers akan dimulai dari entitas private dari core developer vexanium sendiri dan pada +/- 2-3 Bulan blockchain vexanium dimulai maka pembukaan pendaftaran Blockproducers , entitas baik Organisasi , Konsorsium , Perusahaan dapat mendaftarkan diri melalui form yang akan diberikan oleh Core developer Vexanium , semakin cepat BlockProducers yang mendaftar terkumpul maka masa e-voting blockchain untuk pemilihan blockproducers akan dimulai lebih cepat.

Syarat untuk mendaftar menjadi BlockProducers candidate (Calon legislatif / Caleg BP) adalah memiliki VEX sejumlah 10.000.000-12.000.000 VEX , jika pada saat pendaftaran anda memiliki lebih dari batas minimal syarat mendaftar menjadi Blockproducers maka kelebihan vex yang anda miliki itu bisa menjadi bonus dalam Proses e-voting blockproducers , semua proses e-voting menggunakan Koin VEX yang akan di staking jadi anda juga bisa bisa melakukan unvote lalu mengganti pilihan vote anda kepada blockproducers lainnya

21 Block Producers ( 21 BP)

BlockProducers yang Active menciptakan Block di blockchain vexanium berjumlah 21 , namun BlockProducers producers yang standby bisa mencapai lebih dari 21 bahkan bisa diatas 100-200 standby BP , Proses voting blockproducers ini berjalan terus menerus tanpa berhenti selama blockchain vexanium berjalan , dan anggota active Blockproducers bisa berganti setiap menit tergantung dari jumlah voting yang didapat

BPs (blockproducers )akan mendapatkan hadiah blok dalam bentuk Coin VEX yang dihasilkan oleh token melalui inflasi sebesar 5% pertahun

Proses pendaftaran BlockProducers (BP ) akan berjalanan setelah Mainet Vexanium di mulai , dimana pada awalnya selama masa pendaftaran 2-3 bulan berjalan maka Blockproducers awalnya akan dijalankan oleh core developer vexanium , jika dapat terkumpul sekitar 21-30 minimal BP maka proses E-voting bisa berjalan lebih cepat dari estimasi

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