Currently, the term blockchain is no stranger to the public. Not only popular in the information and technology industry, but the blockchain is also widely known by the public, even ordinary people. Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger distributed transparently using cryptographic technology and is the basis for developing cryptocurrencies.
In recent years, the number of crypto users has increased rapidly. Indonesia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that has great potential in trading crypto assets. The Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders Association (Aspakrindo) noted that as of July 2022, Indonesia had more than 15.57 million crypto investors with IDR 232.4 trillion in crypto asset trading transactions.
The explosion in the number of crypto investors directly affects the state of the economy. Crypto’s popularity is increasing in the global market, as is blockchain, whose usefulness is getting more and more attention. Remember that as an investor, you must have insight, relationships, and experience related to the field you are involved in.
Blockchain conferences are the right place for investors and practitioners of blockchain or crypto to meet and gain new experiences. In this article, we will invite Vex Buddies to discover blockchain events’ benefits. We are starting from the point of view of the event coordinator, sponsor, and participant.

Event Coordinator
The organizers directly educate the public about blockchain and its ecosystem by presenting blockchain events. This is important for developing use cases for implementing blockchain-based technologies and building digital economy independence.
Blockchain events are a gathering place for crypto and blockchain industry players such as developers, traders, and crypto entrepreneurs. So, this event can also be a promotional event for them to introduce themselves and the projects they are running.
Sponsorship activities certainly provide a distinct benefit for both the company and the company’s products. The benefits of being a sponsor are being able to launch advertisements through publications or mass media covering events that have been sponsored. In addition, being a sponsor can also show the company’s good intentions to carry out its social responsibilities.
By attending blockchain events, we can learn about blockchain technology, such as the crypto ecosystem, metaverse, NFT, DeFi, GameFi, and others. Blockchain events are also a medium for us to build or expand our network.