Vexanium Monthly Highlight – April 2019

Hi VEX Partners,

Here we meet again at that time of the month where we will share with you every Vexanium achievement and improvement in April! These are some of our highlights in April 2019.

1. Vexanium Testnet Launch

Vexanium has launched its testnet on Friday, 19th of April 2019. Vexanium blockchain technology enables users to create smart contract and Dapps on the Vexanium blockchain technology. At a glance, this technology is quite similar to Ethereum but there are significant differences from the features that are offered by both. For more details:

2. Vexanium Testnet Tutorial

On this testnet, user can create an account on VEX wallet and try DApps that already integrated into Vexanium blockchain. The tutorial is meant to help users to create their own account and try the first Vexanium DApps games. For more details:

3. Vexanium Participating on Stake up Talk

On April 28th 2019, our CEO, Danny Baskara was speaking on stage explaining about Vexanium testnet ecosystem on Stake Up Talk! Stake up talk is a community event that talks about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. The participant can also learn more about the cryptocurrency world directly from the blockchain practitioner.

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