Vexanium Circulation Supply Update 2020

Hi Vex Partners, it’s been a while since we’ve talked about the Vexanium circulation supply update. The last update of the existing VEX coin supply was carried out on June 25, 2019, when the genesis block (first block ever created) of the Vexanium blockchain with a total circulation of around 700,000,000 to 703,000,000, with a total supply of 1,000,000,000 VEX.

Read more: Vexanium Genesis Block,Circulation Supply and Block Producers Preparation

Before the end of 2020, block producers from Vexanium have decided to update the current supply of Vexanium coins through coinmarketcap. The purpose of this circulation update is to provide the latest updates on the total VEX coins currently circulating to the Vexanium community around the world. In this way, block producers as representatives of the Vexanium network will also be able to continue discussing matters related to supply circulation, such as coin allocation, burns, buyback, and so on.

Here is the detail of VEX coin ciculation supply:

VEX Circulating Supply: 855,888,111.00 VEX

VEX Total Supply: 1,008,772,304.64 VEX

VEX Maximum Supply: 1,026,040,108.36 VEX*


Currently, we are working with Coin Market Cap and Coin Gecko for a live update about the circulating supply. Stay tuned for more information! If you are interested in seeing the accounts that have the largest amount of VEX or other things regarding Vex Account you can also see them transparently at Vex Account Monitor, a utility DApp (Decentralized Application) created by Databisnis (one of Vexanium block producers) also you can check on Vexanium Explorer

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