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[ENDED] Article Bounty – Vexanium Bounty Program Part 1 (Q1 2020)

Bounty Result for February 2020

Hi Vex Partners!

We have good news for all the bounty hunters around the world! Vexanium will hold a bounty program that will start on January 27 until February 23, 2020. The big theme of Vexanium Bounty is “Vexanium as a Solution”, which means Vexanium wants to be a blockchain technology that can be utilized to improve various industries and ecosystems.

Read more: Vexanium Dapps Incentive Program

For your information, this bounty program is a marketing program involving users (commonly called bounty hunters) to promote things related to Vexanium. All the bounty hunters that participate in this program will be rewarded with VEX coins. The purpose of the bounty program is to spread information about Vexanium more broadly and evenly, while at the same time giving appreciation to the communities that have participated in doing so.

In this bounty program, Vexanium will distribute a total reward of 200,000 VEX, which will be divided into 3 assessment categories. Meanwhile, 10% of the total reward will be given to the bounty manager of this program.

Program Reward Allocation

With a total of 200,000 VEX that will be distributed to bounty hunters, here are the details of the allocation of bounty rewards to this program:

  1. Articles and Infographics – 70,000 VEX (35%)
  2. Social Media Posting – 80,000 VEX (40%)
  3. Social Media Followers – 30,000 VEX (15%)
  4. Reserve Fund – 20,000 VEX (10%)

Terms and Conditions

  1. The bounty will start from January 27 to February 23, 2020.
  2. Coin distribution will start 2 weeks after the bounty ends.
  3. Every bounty is done, you will get a stake. The stake will be converted into VEX coins.
  4. The maximum number of VEX coins that can be obtained by each bounty hunters will not be more than 5% of the VEX coins allocated in each valuation category.
  5. Must have a VEX account on Vex Wallet to get rewards.
  6. Must have an account at
  7. Prohibited from using multiple accounts, spam, bots.
  8. Please read the terms and conditions carefully. If these requirements are not met, you will not get a stake.
  9. It is required to include the Vex Wallet address on every article that is registered in this bounty program.
  10. To join the bounty program, immediately register yourself at the following link

Articles and Infographics

The first assessment is the creation of articles or infographics, with the theme “Vexanium as a Solution” Participants can search for article references from Vexanium website, blogs, and social media.

Some topics to choose from:

Stake allocation for articles and infographic content by category:


  1. Infographic content and articles that have been made as interesting as possible must be uploaded on
  2. Bounty participants must make 2 articles during the bounty period.
  3. Posting articles on is done every 2 weeks during the bounty period.
  4. Articles and infographics are judged based on the weight of the article, the ease of understanding the article, and the discussion of the material.
  5. If you have a personal blog, you are allowed to upload the article on your blog. For that, you will get 1 extra stake.
  6. Articles made must at least consist of 300 words.
  7. The decision to determine the article category cannot be contested.
  8. The content can be in English or Bahasa Indonesia
  9. Register your article at the following link

Social Media Posting

The second assessment is optional. After the bounty hunter creates an article or infographic, the bounty hunter can spread the article or infographic to their respective social media. With the spread of social media, bounty hunters will get additional rewards.

Terms on social media:





  1. The total stake that you will get for distributing content via social media (if you have 3 social media above) is 9 stake.
  2. Bounty hunters can post the same articles and/or infographics twice with a time interval of a week from the first deployment. So, bounty hunter can post the first article in the 1st and 2nd week, then post the second article in the 3rd and 4th week.
  3. If you do spreads in weeks 1 and 2, the stake will accumulate.

Social Media Followers

The third assessment is calculated from the number of followers that bounty hunters have when distributing content, articles, and infographics that they have made and spread on their respective social media. So, bounty hunters must first distribute articles and infographics, to get this third assessment.

Following is the calculation of stake for each type of social media:





  1. The reward is calculated if the bounty participant shares the article he made that is registered on the registration form on the registered social media.
  2. Register your social media at the following link

Calculation of Reward Allocation

Articles and infographics

Herman joined the bounty in 2 periods for the article and infographic categories, in period 1 there were 25 grade A articles, 40 grade B articles, and 12 grade C. articles while in period 2 there were 14 grade A articles, 20 grade B articles, and 8 grade articles C. In the first period, Herman’s article was included in grade A, while in the second period, Herman’s article was in grade B. So how many total VEX coins did Herman get?

# Period 1 (weeks 1-2)

25 articles grade A grade >>> 10 stake x 25 = 250 stake

40 articles of grade B category >>> 7 stake x 40 = 280 stake

12 articles grade C category >>> 5 stake x 12 = 60 stake

# Period 2 (weeks 2-4)

14 articles of grade A category >>> 10 stake x 14 = 140 stake

20 articles in grade B class >>> 7 stake x 20 = 140 stake

8 articles grade C category >>> 5 stake x 8 = 40 stake

Total stake printed in this category >>>> 910 stake

VEX coins allocated >>>> 60,000 VEX

1 stake = 70,000: 910 = 76.9 VEX

Then the total coins Herman gets is =

Period 1 Grade A = 10 Stake

Period 1 Grade B = 7 Stake

Total >>> 17 stake >>>> 17 stake x 76.9 VEX = 1,307.3 VEX

Social Media Followers

In the bounty program with a total of 30,000 VEX, there were 77 participants who registered with the picture as follows;

Followers GradeStakeFacebookTwitterInstagramStake Total
Followers 100-300 1 stake35 account30 account50 account115
Followers 301-500 3 stake 20 account 25 account 20 account 105
Followers 501-800 5 stake 20 account 15 account 7 account 210
Followers 801-1000 7 stake 2 account 7 account 63
Followers >1000  10 stake
All Stake Total 493 Stake

Herman listed 3 social media as a means of distribution.

Facebook = 450 followers

Twitter = 143 followers

Instagram = 205 followers

Then the total stake obtained by Herman is

>>>> 3 + 1 + 1 = 5 stake

1 stake = … VEX

>>> 30,000: 493 = 60.8 VEX

Herman’s reward for this category >>> 5 Stake x 60.8 VEX = 304 VEX

Social Media Posting

In this bounty program with a total of 60,000 VEX, there are 77 participants who registered with the picture as follows;

Social Media GradeStakeFacebookTwitterInstagramStake Total
Repost > 4 people2 stake 10 account10 account20 account80 stake
Repost < 4 people  1 stake 10 account 10 account 17 account 37 stake
All Stake Total 117 Stake

Herman listed 3 social media as a means of distribution.

Facebook = 3 Repost followers

Twitter = 4 Repost followers

Instagram = 5 Repost followers

Then the total stake obtained by Herman is

>>>> 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 stake

1 stake = … VEX

>>> 80,000: 117 = 683.7 VEX

9 Stake x 683.7 VEX = 6,153.3 VEX

Herman gets rewards for this category >>> 4000 VEX

NB: the maximum reward obtained from each category is 5%

Thus the explanation of this bounty program, good luck and good luck!

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